We cooked with sticks and stones!

The highlights of many Cubbing adventures are the camps. We spoke to Nikhil Rooplal (10) from 1st Brayston Cub Pack in Gauteng about Cubbing and camping.

NikhilSSA: Why is cubbing so much fun?
Cubbing is so much fun because I learn new things every day.

SSA: What was your best experience with Cubs?
My best experience with Cubs was on our Cub camp.The theme was “astronauts”. We prepared our food in space packs which were then cooked in the open fire. This was so much of fun. We also made the best pudding that I have ever tasted!

SSA: What is the weirdest thing you ate outdoors?
The weirdest thing was tasting a half cooked sausage. We had to cook our own food as part of the requirements for the Outdoors-man badge. We had no utensils – only sticks and stones!

SSA: What was the toughest challenge at Cubs?
I think the toughest challenge in Cubs is getting your Leaping Wolf badge which I am now doing.

SSA: What was the most amazing place you visited with Cubs?
The most amazing place which I visited with Cubs was Northern Farms,  where we had a cycle challenge. It is amazing because it was very peaceful and had lots of trees, plants and dams. My dad and I cycled together and enjoyed these sights.

SSA: Can you name a few things you have learnt by being a Cub?
I have learnt how to tie knots, how to cook without utensils, how to make a fire starter, how to build up a tent, how to start a fire with just a stick and how to survive out in the bush.

SSA: What things have you done with Cubs to help people in your community?
We went to a very poor day-care center in Cosmo City and we put up bookshelves for them, donated a lot of books and toys and we played games with all of the little children that attended the day-care center.

SSA: What did you teach your mum that you learned at Cubs?
I taught my mum how to tie a few knots. I also taught her a really funny song about sharks which I learnt at Cubs.

SSA: What makes a good Akela?
A good Akela is disciplined, has a lot of new things planned for us to learn in the programmes and is always encouraging us to do better.

SSA: Why is your Akela special?
My Akela is special because he plans a lot of fun things in all our programmes. He teaches us a lot of new things and he always takes us to fun places for our camps and challenges.

Cubbing Rocks because… we learn a lot of survival skills and we play a lot of fun games.

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