Dens Scouters have you heard?
Grab your snow jackets and join us in Gauteng from 13 to 16 June 2025 for the National Meerkat Winter Wonderland! This marks the first-ever face-to-face National Meerkat Mischief event! Get ready for an exciting experience!
As the Regional Team Coordinator (RTC) for Meerkats in Gauteng, I warmly invite you to join us for a memorable long weekend filled with learning, sharing and fun!
You will connect with fellow Dens Scouters who are experiencing the same challenges and triumphs as you. You will gain fresh ideas, exchange insights, and discover exciting activities to bring back to your Den – all while having an amazing time! We also have amazing visitors lined up to share their passion with us.
The Meerkat Mischief will take place at Emseni, a tranquil setting in the East Rand in Gauteng, near to the airport. There, two people will share a bedroom with on-suite bathrooms.
We encourage you to explore what support your Group can offer towards the fees. Participation cost for venue, food and activities is R3050. We also have our payment plan on offer. Secure your spot by registering and paying your R1000 deposit before the end of February. Register HERE!
Lets make this a special & enriching experience together! Koer Koer!
Yours in Scouting,
Rochelle Booyens, RTC Meerkats Gauteng